Social media guidelines

Authors: Sammy Camy & Landon Harris @ Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic

Learn more about how different types of content is moderated based on different social media platforms terms and conditions


Nudity Social Media Guidelines

Is nudity allowed?
In what situations is posting nudity allowed?
Are there additional requirements for content containing nudity?
What happens if my content is flagged for nudity?
Additional notes


Is nudity allowed?
In what situations is posting nudity allowed?
Are there additional requirements for content containing nudity?
What happens if my content is flagged for nudity? 
Additional notes


Twitter/X Content Moderation Advisory
Is nudity allowed?
In what situations is posting nudity allowed?
Are there additional requirements for content containing nudity? 
What happens if my content is flagged for nudity?


Is nudity allowed?
In what situations is posting nudity allowed?
Are there additional requirements for content containing nudity?
What happens if my content is flagged for nudity? 


Is nudity allowed?
In what situations is posting nudity allowed?
Are there additional requirements for content containing nudity?
What happens if my content is flagged for nudity?
Additional notes


Is nudity allowed?
In what situations is posting nudity allowed?
Are there additional requirements for content containing nudity?
What happens if my content is flagged for nudity?

Graphic Content

Facebook & Instagram

How is graphic content defined?
What are the limited circumstances in which posting graphic content is allowed?
Are there additional elements for posts containing graphic content?
What happens if my content is flagged? 
Additional notes


Twitter/X Content Moderation Advisory
How is graphic content defined? 
What are the limited circumstances in which posting graphic content is allowed?
Are there additional elements for posts containing graphic content? 
What happens if my graphic content is flagged? 
Additional notes


How is graphic content defined? 
What are the limited circumstances in which posting graphic content is allowed?
Are there additional elements for posts containing graphic content? 
What happens if my graphic content is flagged?
Additional notes


How is graphic content defined? 
What are the limited circumstances in which posting graphic content is allowed? 
Are there additional elements for posts containing graphic content? 
What happens if my content is flagged for graphic content? 


How is graphic content defined? 
What are the limited circumstances in which posting graphic content is allowed?
Are there additional elements for posts containing graphic content? 
What happens if my graphic content is flagged?
Additional notes

Hate Speech

Facebook & Instagram

How is hate speech defined?
When is hate speech removed? 
Is hate speech ever allowed?
What happens if my content is flagged for hate speech?
Additional notes


Twitter/X Content Moderation Advisory
How is hate speech defined?
When is hate speech removed?
Is hate speech allowed ever?
What happens if my content is flagged for hate speech?


How is hate speech defined?
When is hate speech removed?
Is hate speech allowed ever? 
What happens if my content is flagged for hate speech?


How is hate speech defined?
When is hate speech removed?
Is hate speech ever allowed? 
What happens if my content is flagged for hate speech?
Additional notes


How is hate speech defined?
When is hate speech removed?
Is hate speech ever allowed? 
What happens if my content is flagged for hate speech?
Additional notes